The logo for chattanooga dock builders shows a hammer in a blue circle.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a dock cost?

    Dock building is just like other forms of construction, so the price of a project varies because it’s dependent on material selection, project area conditions, as well as construction access.

  • How big can my dock be?

    Generally, 1,000 sq. ft. is the maximum size for the dock.

    A six-foot-wide walkway is allowed and isn’t counted in the 1,000 sq. ft. The dock may extend 150 feet out, or 1/3 of the distance across the channel, whichever is less. There are, of course, some exceptions on regulations, which you can read about here.

  • When is the best time to build a dock?

    We build in any season, but winter is usually the best time because water levels are down and this can sometimes make the construction process easier.

  • How long does construction take?

    Each project is different, but, in general, a dock takes about 4-6 weeks to complete.

  • How quickly can you start?

    It all depends on how quickly we can get a permit for your project. TVA permits can take up to six months to be approved.

  • Can you just drive the piles?

    Every once in a while, we give estimates for projects like this. However, when we only drive piles and leave the rest up to you, we don’t offer a warranty on the finished dock. It’s also worth noting that the building methods we employ require all of the main deck framing be installed at the same time as the piles are being driven.

  • Do I really need a permit?

    The answer is almost always yes. Unless you are repairing a dock that is already properly permitted to the current owner of the property, a permit is required.

Still have a question?

Don't hesitate to reach out! Our dock experts are here to help.

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